
Showing posts from June, 2020

Tales Behind the Tap - 1

Water. It is a thing which so many of us reading this take for granted. Just open the tap, and it starts flowing. When you have taken enough, close the tap. Simple. So here is a look at what goes into getting that water to your tap. How a water supply system is designed The major factors taken into consideration while designing a water supply system are population of end users, location of water sources, topography of land from the water source to the end use area and within the end use area, and water quality. As per Indian standards, the water requirement at point of end use is  135 litres per person per day  (referred to in technical documentation as LPCD, or litre per capita day) for residential use. This figure includes uses such as bathing, flushing etc. Similarly there are norms determining water requirement in commercial buildings, factories, hospitals etc. Some losses are expected to take place during conveying the water from the source to the end use a...